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Central Moms
a MomCo. / MOPS Group


Join the thousands of moms around the world investing in themselves and the next generation.

Moms are the most powerful creatures on the planet. We are the ones influencing the smallest details of people’s day but also the trajectory of generations. When moms are resourced, when moms are elevated, when moms are educated, when moms are empowered to do what they are meant to do in the world, everyone is better because of it.

What to expect

A Central Moms gathering includes practical teaching through videos provided by MomCo. (Formerly MOPS).

Who can come?

Here at Central Moms, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. If you are an expectant mom or mom with kiddos, birth through 5th grade, we have a place for you!

Join us every third Monday of the month

March 25

April 15

May 20 (Finale!)

At Central Christian Church in Beloit

5:30-7:30 PM

No registration is required to attend

BUT for a MomCo. Membership (AKA MOPS)

Group code: F4F7

The base membership is only $36

and is good for the calendar year!

Email Kaia Calhoun with any questions.

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